Why does my e-liquid taste burnt when vaping?
When you’re just starting out with vaping, it’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed by everything. From properly operating your vape device, to selecting an appropriate e-liquid flavour from the wide variety of options available. No matter how long someone has been vaping, there is one question that they all hope to never have to ask themselves: “why does my e-liquid taste burnt?” We have included a list of potential reasons and solutions. This is to assist you in preventing this undesirable flavour and to ensure that you are able to continue to enjoy that lovely hit of vape long after your purchase.
Why does my e-liquid have a charred flavour?
Even if you choose traditional flavours like tobacco or minty flavours like menthol, if you misuse your vaping device, you run the risk of experiencing the unpleasant taste of burnt vape. This is true regardless of the flavours you choose to use. In extreme circumstances, the charred vapour cloud might become lodged at the back of the throat. Resulting in an unpleasant cough that lasts for a long time. If you are aware of the top five factors that contribute to burnt e-liquid, you will be able to simply avoid it.
Chain Vaping
It’s easy to get caught up in the habit of mindlessly puffing away at a vape pen without ever pausing to give the gadget a breather. However, using this way of vaping might significantly reduce the amount of time your coils will last. If you repeatedly inhale and exhale quickly, your wick won’t have enough time to soak up the e-liquid, which will cause it to dry out and produce that awful, charred flavour.
Not Enough E-Liquid
If there is not enough e-liquid on the wick inside the atomizer coil of a device that uses rechargeable batteries, a burnt flavour may result from its use. Without the e-liquid to vaporise, the coil is more likely to get too hot and overheat. Which will make vaping unpleasant by giving you a burnt taste in your mouth.
Priming the Coils in the Wrong Way
Vape coils have a natural tendency to burn out over time, so replacing them is necessary if you want to keep enjoying a flavourful vaping experience. If you taste something charred, it’s possible that the coils on your vaporizer weren’t primed properly, which would explain the flavour.
Incompatible E-Liquid Formula
When selecting your e-liquids, flavour is an important factor to take into account, but it shouldn’t be the only decision you make. E-liquids can have varying concentrations of vegetable glycerine (VG) and propylene glycol (PG). It is essential to select an e-liquid composition that is compatible with your vaping device. While certain vape tanks function most effectively with vape juice that contains a high percentage of vegetable glycerin (VG), others need for a minimum of fifty percent (50%) PG. If you select an e-liquid formula that is incompatible with your wick, it is possible for the wick to become dry and catch fire.
Vaping with High Power
If the wattage of your device is too high, the e-liquid will vaporise at an accelerated rate. wWhich will prevent the wick from re-saturating at the appropriate rate. In this scenario, the coil is likely to catch fire, which would leave a bitter aftertaste in your mouth and cause the wick to be consumed.
How to Get Rid of the Smoky Taste in Your E-Liquid
Since you now understand the cause of the awful burnt taste you get when you vape, you can turn your attention to finding a solution to the problem. If you are still curious about “why does my e-liquid taste burnt?,” we have some easy alternatives for you to try in order to improve the flavour of your e-liquid, which are as follows:
Alter Your Vaping Technique
Instead of taking quick drags one after the other, try taking long, deliberate drags and leaving around fifteen to twenty seconds between each subsequent drag. If you do this, your wick will have sufficient time to soak up e-liquid. Leaving more saturated between puffs, which will result in a more satisfying vaping experience.
Adequate E-Liquid Levels
Before taking a pull from your vape, you need to be sure that the tank has an adequate amount of e-liquid. If you see that it is becoming low, you should refill the tank and wait between five and ten minutes before vaping so that the e-liquid has time to completely soak the wick.
Bring Your Wattage Down
If you vape at a high wattage, you may want to consider decreasing your wattage in order to avoid getting a burnt taste in your mouth as you inhale. Stick to the wattage that is advised. As this is typically printed on the packaging of your vape device and will ensure you get the most out of it.
Avoid Being Exposed to Low Temperatures
Because of the falling temperatures and the increasing length of the winter nights, the consistency of your e-liquid will become thicker, making it more difficult for it to flow to the wick. Keep your vape device between 0 and 35 degrees Celsius for the best results in terms of liquid thickness.
Prepare the Coils in the Appropriate Manner
It is essential to take your time when priming your coils in order to prevent the coils from catching fire when they are heated. Before you begin vaping, you need just directly soak the dry cotton wick in water so that it is thoroughly saturated.
In order to avoid asking the same question over and over again, “why does my e-liquid taste burnt?”
Getting rid of that burnt taste will be a breeze if you just follow the simple suggestions and tactics we provided above.
Don’t get disappointed if you end up tasting that nasty flavour again in the future; just throw away the faulty coil and buy a new one; just make sure to prime it properly this time!
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